
Sunday, December 30, 2012

His ways verses our ways...

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

Why is it we even think for a split second that our ways are possibly greater than the One who created everything we can see, and everything we can't see?  Seems pretty silly when you stop to put it in those terms...and I would maybe go so far as to say absurd and completely ridiculous!  Yet, we spend countless hours of EVERY day trying to manipulate life to get where or what we want.  Not to say we should just sit around waiting for God to drop money or food into our laps, but there are a couple of reasons why we should consult the Lord over all before we try doing "life" on our own.  And just for the record, I will not be pretending to have the answers...but merely promote some food for thought on this subject :)

First of all, lets face it...not many of us are in control anyway, though we try to pretend we are.  Mostly, we just waste energy, brain power, and precious time often on things we need or want today; only to find we don't need it or what it tomorrow.  And of course we do have control over many things in life, but they often have minute impact in the whole scope of our lives.  We control when we get up, go to the bathroom, eat, sleep, and routine things like this.  We also control if we go to school or work, obey the laws in society, and the such.  But much of life is beyond our control.  Our eye color, sex, who our parents are, where we are born and live, social status born into, our IQ, and etc. are all chosen for us by God.  And according to His word, He knows what He is doing!!! So why when the most individualized and important attributes of our lives are chosen for us do we worry with those having less importance?

Secondly, we (and I include myself in here) need to often stop trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.  And what I mean by this is, we often try to be someone God didn't create us to be, and live a life God didn't plan for us to live, and do things God never intended us to do!  He knows what He is doing, what is best for us, and He has reasons we often don't understand!  Probably because we only see our little slice of life and at that time we think something is so important...rather than how God views our lives from Conception to the end of time, and everything in between!  He also sees how what we do affects not only ourselves, but others around us, our kids, our kid's kids, and so on down the line.   

So, what should we do about it you might be thinking?  Keep in mind this is purely my opinion, and experience as I have let go of trying to control everything and everyone, as well as stopped driving myself around the bend with not getting the results I wanted after so much stress and hard work.  If life is handing you a round peg, place it into a round hole!  If God asks you to move, then move.  If He calls you to the mission field, then GO!! If He stops your "big plans" - then He has a reason.  Life is very unpredictable and uncertain, at best.  I have in the last several weeks seen this first hand, and how little control we truly have in not only the big decisions of life but the small ones as well.  Life will be less stressful and more smooth if we all just give over the control of our lives to the Lord, and let Him handle it, as He is way more equipped to orchestrate our life for the best than we ever will be.  Just roll with it, because His thoughts are far superior, and His ways are eons beyond anything we will ever dream up!!!  

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What has happened to our world? Are we in End Times?

2 Timothy 3

New International Version (NIV)

1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Sad to say, but unless you have been on a deserted island with Gilligan, you have heard of the horrible tragedy which occurred at the elementary school in Connecticut on Friday morning.  How could anyone shoot little kids point blank is well beyond my comprehension.  I don't understand, I can't understand, and my heart is completely broken for all those who have lost loved ones, who had to endure the horrific hours of terror, and a nation that kills it's own.

Unfortunately, today's scripture tells us exactly why it happened, why similar things will unfortunately happen again, and why it is highly possible we are indeed in end times. Now, let me preface this with the fact that I am not a scholar of end times, or an expert in any way.  But what I am, is a believer in Christ, believer in God's Word being true, and have read enough to feel comfortable with my opinion on the subject.  

Do you often wonder if the world could possibly get any worse?  Of course, next thing you know, something happens to prove that, YES, in fact it can.  I believe this is what we were all confronted with by Friday afternoon when everyone knew someone walked into a school and shot kindergarten students probably sitting nicely in their desks.  What has happened to this world we live in?  It is very very scary, and to tell you the truth, I haven't let myself think about it much.  Not because I don't care, but because it is almost more than I can bear.  I have prayed for all who lost their lives, their families, and all affected by this tragedy, with a most saddened heart I might add.  But, I have yet to turn on the news to see first hand reports.  I heard about it from others, my mom, and a few little blurbs on Fox News Breaking news that pops up on my iPhone.  

I know things weren't perfect when I was little, nor were they when my mom was little, but at least we weren't afraid of what would happen to us at school other than getting in trouble, bad grades or going to the principals office.  We never worried that while we were sitting in class, someone would just show up at the door and shoot us to death.  It is for reasons such as this, that I feel pretty certain we are getting closer to the time Jesus will come for His people.  And the way things are going, I sure wouldn't want to be one of those left behind.  Can you imagine what life on earth would be like after the Rapture?  I truly can't image, and I don't plan to find out.  My faith, trust, and hope are in Christ alone; and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt who holds my tomorrow! Do you?  If not, might I suggest if you want to know you are going to heaven you might say this short yet eternally powerful prayer to yourself with a most sincere heart.  

It's really as easy as your ABC's!  "I know and Acknowledge I am a sinner, I repent of my sins before the Lord and ask for forgiveness.  I Believe Jesus Christ came to this earth to die for my sins, and I accept Him as my Lord and Savior.  And Commit your life to Jesus!  It will be the single best thing you could ever possibly do in your entire life, and you will never ever regret it for one second.  

Please continue with me to pray for not only those involved with this terrible tragedy, but for our country and world who desperately need a Savior, Jesus Christ!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

How did Christ go Missing from Christmas?

Please, take 3 minutes to listen to this amazing song I just came across about a week ago.

Matthew 1:23

New International Version (NIV)
23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”[a](which means “God with us”).

Stockings hung, tree up and decorated, wreath on the door, lights out on the bushes, holiday dishes out, nutcrackers and snowmen all around, and one Willow Tree manger set that my dear friend gave me one year for Christmas.  As I looked around my house today, I suddenly realized there was little to do with Jesus out but a whole lot of Santa stuff around.  How could it be that the original reason for celebrating Christmas Day in the first place is often completely let out of the day?  Of course, someone a few years back coined the term, Jesus is the Reason for the Season...which is true.  However, now even that has lost it's luster a bit.  And don't get me wrong, there are lots of people upset over the Governor of Rhode Island, Lincoln Chafee deciding to call the Christmas tree a holiday tree!!! Let me just say my two cents worth, that is completely insane.  Since when do we put up a tree at Easter, Forth of July, or any other holiday for that matter? NEVER!!! It's just dumb, plain and simple. Ok, I feel better and I will gracefully step off my soap box, for now that is :)

Now, most people, may or may not know that Jesus was actually NOT born on Christmas day.  Truth is, He was probably born sometime in August, as best as theologians can tell.  But, none the less, this is the day we have decided to celebrate the birth of Immanuel, God with us.  The day our Savior shed His robe in heaven and exchanged it for flesh and blood, to save His people some 33 years later.  Let's just stop and think about that one for a minute.  Imagine the ultimate, and I do mean ultimate, place you have ever been to, or the best and most amazing time you have ever had...and times that place or time by a million zillion trillion; this would be what heaven is almost as good as.  And He chose to leave that for us, sinners.  He chose to come and feel pain, hurt, disappointment, temptation, hunger, desertion, and eventually death on a cross while bearing the sins of the world from start to finish.  He endured all this for sinners; as in you and I who totally didn't deserve it.  Sorry, but I really needed to go there...putting a little prospective on the upcoming advent season as we anticipate the birth of Jesus Christ! exactly do we go against the grain and do a little more reflection on Christ, and a little less on the now very commercialized holiday of Christmas?  I am not 100% sure, to tell you the truth.  I just know we sure need to figure it out.  Otherwise, we might as well call it a holiday tree, if Christ has gone missing from Christmas!  I am thinking if we are ready to fight to keep calling it a Christmas tree, we need to fight to find more Christ...and be Christ to the world.  How about we all try to think of one tangible thing that would put more Jesus in this season, and then leave it in the comments of this entry for the rest of us to try and do. It is certainly time we come together as the body of Christ to help one another be Christ to this fallen world at Christmas time...and all year through for that matter.  Can I get an AMEN, and a little help on this? 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are you living your heart's desire?

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:
 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; Psalms 37:3-7

Why do we settle?  I mean, why do we brush aside what we know we are born to do...what truly makes us happy?  Is it often money, social status, survival, or insecurity of our gift that holds us back?  Is there something that makes your heart sing when you are doing it, yet it isn't your career or even something you do on a regular basis?  Do we not trust God, I mean truly trust?  Do we lack patience, or the ability to just be still?  Could it be a lack of fully committing to the Lord as we should?  These are all questions we must ask ourselves if we are indeed not partaking in our talents and desires of the heart! Let us break this down a little, bit by bit, to pull everything out into view and have clarity on these passages.  

Trust!  Now that is a tough place to start, as it tells the truth on us and where we are in our walk with the Lord.  Trusting God has it handled (our problems, provisions, and everything in between) even when we often think He needs our help.  Trusting can often be most difficult if you are someone like me...a doer!!! You know those people, always trying to do something either for themselves or someone else to help fix the situation.  Now granted, trusting God doesn't mean we should just sit around and wait for the Lord to deliver our food, rent check, and all else to our door wrapped in pretty packaging.  

But maybe, we trust God will sustain us if we choose to take a job that makes less money, but is more family friendly, and following more closely to the meaningful job we desire.  Does it mean we will be driving a Porsche to teach preschool at the local church?  Probably not, but if this is the area that fulfills you on a daily basis, couldn't it be said that the sports car isn't more important than your After all, scripture is very clear in Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Of course, I realize if you are struggling financially, we often have to work in jobs we are not overly fond of to make ends meet.  But I am speaking about your life career which should be your heart’s desire.

And lastly, is it your insecurity in your gifts that hold you back from your own success?  Do you feel as if maybe you aren’t good at what you love to do?  Let’s be frank here, people usually do NOT like to do things they aren’t good at…like me and bowling!  I am terrible at bowling; therefore you will not see me signing up to play in a league in this lifetime.  This doesn’t mean bowling isn’t a great sport for some people, but based on my talent and ability (usually gutter balls); it would not be something I would choose.  This pretty much I would say is the rule of thumb for most people.  We naturally gravitate toward what we know and what we are happy doing; which is most likely something that turns our crank!!! I love to write, but so far it isn’t paying the bills…but it makes me happy, fulfilled, and content in my life; even if my life isn’t picture perfect.  You get my drift, right? So…what are we going to do with this???

We have a couple of choices, I suppose.  We can sacrifice the worldly things (within reason) to gain happiness through our hearts desires.  We can try to do a little of both, which is where I find myself these days.  I write on the side, perusing my dream to be an author and writer; and work as a Nanny and complete administrative work and sales calls for my husband’s company.  Will you see me sporting a Mercedes 500sl anytime soon?  Nope, but you will see me with a smile on my face, as I finally understand the scripture about God giving me the desires of my heart.  I love to write, write, and write some more; for adults and kids, or anyone who will read it for that matter.  I trust He knows my future and how this will all play out in my life.  I will exhibit patience as His perfect plan unfolds, and commit myself to Him once again as content.  I will “do” what I should, and let Him take care of the rest; rather than trying to make something happen out of nothing.  And I can’t wait to see my Heavenly Father to make my “rewards shine like the dawn!”  I choose to trust, wait patiently, and commit…won’t you? 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Are You Hiding From God?

Genesis 3:8
New International Version (NIV)

Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

Adam and Eve were hiding from God because they had just committed the first sin, thus the fall of man...and the beginning of problems for all of mankind from then until now and into the future :(  No one was ever exempt from sin except Jesus Christ, and no one will ever be until the end of time. Let's talk about how this shows up in everyone's lives young or old.

We are in the middle of trying, and I use that term lightly, to potty train my son who is two and a half now. By the time my daughter was his age, we weren’t even using pull-ups at night, she was completely and totally trained and wearing her big girl panties. Not him! He is just as stubborn and smart as his Sissy, but he wants no part of going on the potty. Believe me, I have tried to bribe him with little stuff like candy skittles, to a motorized Ford F150 riding toy. He totally does NOT care one bit if he walks around with poopies in his diaper. And before I go on, let me tell you this is my words coming back to bite me in the bottom. I was so cocky about having my daughter trained that I was so critical of those which took longer to train their tots.

So, my son now tries to hide to do his business, as many kids often do. But today he went into the pantry, pulled the doors behind him, and began to do his “thing.” When I opened the doors to inquire as to what he was doing, knowing full well he was pooping, he said no and pulled the doors back closed. Of course, as adults we don’t hid in the closet to poop our pants, but we do often try to hide our mistakes from others and God. Why I’m not sure, because most of the time we are often found out anyway, and God already knew. It truly is impossible to hide from God, as His word says He is omnipresent; meaning He is everywhere at all times. We can never ever leave His sight, which is great should we need His protection, guidance, or any other host of things God does to help us along. However, when we have made a mistake, or even worse, knew we were doing something wrong but did it anyway; this is when we as adults are like Luke trying to hide in the closet so no one can see us. I am thinking this is because we often want to do something so bad, and we don’t want to risk someone stopping us, even if it would be for our own good and protection. Just as Luke doesn’t want me to stop him from pooping his diaper, we don’t want to be stopped from our sinful nature. And as always, there are often consequences for our actions which everyone ends up seeing anyway. So hiding is really a waste of our time. What we need to try to do is think about those things we would not want to be caught doing if Jesus returned that very moment; things we would want to hide and do anyway.

For Psalms 139:7-12 says, "Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me,your right hand will hold me fast. If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you."

Our God is an awesome God, and He is always there to see the good, bad, and the ugly; whether we like it or not, it can’t be changed. What we can do is change ourselves to live a life out of the darkness and into the light of Christ; a life filled with moments that never have to be hidden from our friends, family, or God in our minds. Stopping and thinking about our actions throughout our day, and making every moment count. No more hiding from the Father, besides it is often scary in the dark! Make it an amazing week as we share the Thanksgiving meal with family and friends. And don’t forget to thank and praise the One who will always supply us with our daily bread and living water!

Monday, November 12, 2012

A God of Second Chances

Matthew 6:15
New International Version (NIV)
But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Have you ever noticed we are always the first to expect someone to give us a second chance, but are often quite slow to offer a second chance to others?  Why are we so sure we should be given that next chance, but don't want to extent the same when someone has hurt us?  Now, let's go deeper still, what if that person is a repeat offender or even worse...your enemy. OUCH!!! I learned a little something at church on Sunday during service, something that I had never explained to me quite like this in regards to one of the most well known stories in the whole bible.  Something I think is well worth repeating, makes a whole lot of sense, and may help out the next time we are dealing with a tough situation.

Everyone knows Jonah was the prophet who was defiant to Gods orders, ran the other way, got swallowed by a whale, lived in there, got spit out, and eventually went to do what he was originally called to do...and then was very mad at the idea that God would give Nineveh a second chance and not destroy it.  Hence the reason Jonah didn't want to go in the first place, he didn't want the Ninevites to get a second chance because they were cruel, sinful, awful people.  They would go to battle with another nation, and cut of all prisoner's heads and make a pyramid out of them.  They didn't just battle to gain land and leave it at that...they were brutal in how they killed with no conscience.  So Jonah did NOT want to go there.  He didn't want to tell them about God and His saving grace and mercy.  He wanted God to pour out His wrath on them, so justice could be done in the eyes of Jonah.  But, God had other plans.  So kicking and screaming, and even saying he would rather die than to be part of the Ninevites being saved, Jonah continued to resist.  And as you know, he stayed in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, in which time Jonah prayed...God had the fish vomit him back up and onto land.  Bonus you might say...but not in Jonah's eyes.  After all this, he STILL did not want to do it God's way, but out of obedience Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh who in turn did repent, fast, and God relented, not destroying the city and it's people after all.  And you would think this is a very nice way to just wrap it up, tie a bow on it, and all was good!  NOT SO MUCH!

Jonah 4:1-4 says, "But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. He prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.” But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?”  You see, Jonah prayed while in the belly of the whale over his disobedience to God and putting others on the ship in harms way...and God heard his prayer and showed mercy and forgiveness; but Jonah didn't want God to do the same for the Ninevites.  Seems selfish, but this is where I learned a little history on the story, and then had it put into an example from today that gave me a whole different prospective (Thanks Pastor John Ulrich)!

Jonah didn't want to go help save the Ninevites because they were the enemy of Israel and a horrible people.  It would be like being called to go to Iraq back in the 90's and preach to them; knowing they were a Muslim nation, had little respect for human life, and there was a man there called Osama Bin Laden who was out to terrorize your nation, your people, your family and loved ones.  But God was asking you specifically, and no matter how hard you tried to ignore Him, it was impossible.  Puts a little different prospective on it now that it is in reference to something that we can relate, and get our blood boiling over.  How would you like to have to go over, be a part of the reason God shows mercy and relents His wrath on a people who would end up running planes full of innocent people into buildings filled with innocent people causing mass casualties?  Now you see my point...this is how Jonah felt. He knew he was helping to save a people that would turn around and inflict harm to his own.  But why was this God's plan you may be thinking?  

God's plan and purpose is so far beyond our possible thought process, we truly couldn't begin to understand.  He sees from beginning to the end of time, and everything in between.  He knows all details, and what will be the best in the end for all mankind.  He ties everything together in complete perfect, with every human soul and all else on earth in mind.  He gives second chances, and third chances, and if I really sat and thought about it I would not want to try figuring out what number of chances I have already used up.  For this reason, we are called to give others chances too.  Not of course if our lives are at risk, such as abusive, being taken advantage of, or otherwise.  But to the best of our capabilities, even when it is our enemy, or someone who has required what seems like an infinite number of chances.  After all, I'm sure we are all running quite a tally with the Lord on the number of chances we have required.  Our God is a God of second chances, and likewise we are called to extend the same to others, even those which we find most difficult.  Those are the ones that truly define us as Christians, as the body of Christ, as the light in a dark cruel world.  

Oh, and I'm sorry this is so long but there was a ton of explaining to do, that wasn't posted on the weekend, but I had some computer issues :) God's timing right?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Pressing on Through the Loss

But whatever were gains to me I now consider loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. 10 I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:7-14 

Over the last week you have either watched the terrible devastation left by Hurricane Sandy on the East Coast, or you have lived it.  I have prayed and prayed, felt heartache, sat wide-eyed at the pictures and video, and gave thanks for what I have after watching many who now have nothing but their lives.  And a few thoughts have come to mind over the last week that I felt I would share.

First of all, I have so much to be thankful for, even if I feel it might be less than I wish I had.  Often it is all in prospective, and I know what I have would be more than enough for those who have lost nearly or all of their possessions.  My house isn’t fancy, I often buy my clothes at Kohl’s or even Wal-Mart, and I drive a Chrysler minivan; but I am blessed.  I have food on my table, a table to put food on with a roof over it, and warm clothes along with all the necessities for a decently comfortable life.

Secondly, my family and I have our health.   So many children and adults are suffering from cancer or some other illness/disease that has no cure, and pain is an every second reminder of how short their time is on earth. 

And lastly, I have the hope of Christ and eternity in the presence of my Lord and Savior.  It is so hard for us here on earth to keep in mind that this life is but a blink of the eye when compared to eternity.  Things here often feel unbearable, like we truly couldn’t make it another second, and yet as time goes by…we do survive.  Whether it is the loss of a parent, child, or spouse…or the burning down or washing away of our home and personal possessions we have spent a lifetime collecting with memories attached; it is often hard to move on forward. 

Today’s scripture calls us to press on, toward our goal; thus winning the prize.  It tells us to forget what is behind, and strain for what is ahead.  If you are like me, forgiving is easier than forgetting…I just don’t forget easily!  And to strain forward, that would mean it was very difficult to move ahead.  The definition of straining is to exert or tax to the utmost, or to stretch beyond a proper limit.  I would feel safe to say the people of New York and New Jersey feel taxed to the utmost, and stretched beyond their limits.  Many have lost some, most, all, and several even their life or the lives of those they loved most.  Forget it, strain forward…quite the tall order.  I will ask everyone reading this to please pray as thousands try to deal with the pain and loss and strain forward.  My hope is as they hit their knees under the weight of their loss and despair, they will look up toward a God who knows their pain, loves them unconditionally, and can comfort those who feel inconsolable.  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Face of Christ

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;  male and female he created them.

Today, I am going to ask that you please, please, please, watch the video and listen to the words (and they are shown on the video).  I was cleaning my house today, and listening to this song...when it really struck me first of all, how lucky I realized I am, and how important it is to think before I judge.  No one gets up and says, "today I think I would like to become homeless, go to jail, or grow up in the ghetto." Just as no one hopes their child is born with special needs, a cleft palate, or Down's Syndrome.  Yet people continue to look at these differences, forgetting that God made them just as He did you and I, in His image!  Take a minute and think about that, in His image, the Creator, the Alpha and Omega, the All and All.  We, and I am totally including myself in this, have NO business judging anyone! Scripture is very clear, Mathew 7:1 says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."  Why do we think we find ourselves in a position to look down upon someone else.  God made them in His image just as He did us.  Pretty humbling when you stop and think about it...and probably I would go out on a limb and figure I am not the only one who has ever looked down my nose at someone who was different looking, minded, or social class than myself.  We unfortunately live in a critical and judgmental world :(  We are judged on our looks, our intelligence, our income, our skin color, our nationality, and the list goes on and on...very sad really.  And why?  Is it really going to matter when we approach the throne of the Lord? I believe that is a big fat NO!!! God is God, not us! We are made in His image, not just the pretty perfect smart ones, ALL OF US!

So, where does this leave us? And how as believers in Jesus Christ should we be different, set apart from this most judgmental world?  First off, we are called to be different, to minister to those whom the world calls unworthy.  The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was friends of those with leprosy, tax collectors, prostitutes, and a whole host of people who were in that day considered the lowest of the low.  He was without sin, perfect in every way, and yet He didn't hesitate to befriend those whom no one wanted to be seen let alone friends with.  We are all so far from perfect, so selfish, so self-centered, and yet we think for one second we are in any place to judge anyone.  And especially if you are living in a country where fresh clean water flows, and grocery stores are filled with nutritious foods at our fingertips.  WOW, we better take a look in the mirror and then fall to our knees in thanksgiving! We are truly blessed, and we now need to be the hands and feet of Christ, and make a difference.  Pick something, anything, and make a difference in someones life...and I'd be willing to bet, if I were the betting kind, the feeling you get from just paying for the food of the person behind you in the drive-thru, or giving a compliment to someone who probably doesn't get them often, or showing compassion to someone who desperately needs will fill so full of Christ's love it might just be on the verge of overwhelming :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

In My Weakness, He is Strong

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Living in the USA, we are fortunate enough to have freedom of worshiping whom or whatever we wish; I often find persecution is not absent here, just subtle. Whether it be a comment or email, maybe even a snide remark in passing, or an all out attack on beliefs; it is a form of persecution. Now don't get me wrong, I would much rather be here than in other parts of the world where people are tortured, thrown in prison cells, and/or killed all because of the belief in Jesus Christ! And I often find when I am walking closely with Christ, this is when the comments and subtle remarks show up, which isn't all that ironic! It just means Satan is upset over the love and closeness, the bold faith, and potential influence for God's Kingdom.  At first it took me off guard, but now I just realize that I kind of have a target on my back.  You kind of get used to it, I suppose; and now I consider it a compliment.  I am certain many of you know exactly what I am talking about.

As a Momma, we have influence over our children, how they are raised, what their worldview is made up of, and more times than not, how they view the church, Christians, and the love of their heavenly Father. Let me be perfectly clear, however, it does not guarantee that a child will believe like their parents, or that a non-believer will never find the Lord.  But I feel it is safe to say, the stats are higher for kids who grow up in church-going families, to go to church as an adult; and those that don't grow up in that environment of church will tend to not.  There are many exceptions, but the groundwork is often laid when children are young and where their parents place value, in where they will one day place value also.

I know and can fully admit, as growing up in the church and rarely missing a Sunday, I lost my way as a young adult.  It happens more often than I wish did, but I did find my way back.  I found myself in difficulties, in hardships, and I totally didn't delight in them!  As a matter of fact, I questioned my faith for the first time, and walked away from something I had known my whole life.  Does that mean I was weak?  YES, of course it does!  I am human, and was born with selfish sinful nature, and until I am called home and shed my earthly body, I will continue to make mistakes, stumble, and show my weakness.  But hold on, because this is where it gets good!!! In my weakness, my darkest hour, my lowest moments, with my back to the Creator of the Universe, He chooses NOT to turn from me! He chooses instead to stand upon His throne, and create strength for me, through me, in me...strength that truthfully I DO NOT deserve!  His grace is sufficient, and His mercy is perfect.  You see, through my weakness, I give Him the opportunity to show His BEST when I often am at my worst! And when you think about it; it is almost the opposite of what we do and how we treat others here on earth.  This is why, now, when trials and insults, or hardship and difficulties come, I know that first of and foremost, I AM NOT ALONE!!! And secondly, this is an opportunity to show God's Awesomeness here, and what a privilege I consider that to be. The idea that God would use me, humbles me to my very core.  

I do my best as a Momma to be a solid role model for my kids, both as a good citizen, and as a Christian.  But I will always fall short, that's just the facts of being human.  What I will choose to do is be humble, allow Christ's strength to abide in me, and let the subtle persecutions bounce right off that target on my back.  After all, I have to, my children's eternity may be riding on my influence, not to be mixed up with an ability to save, that is God's job ... but my part is worth every insult, difficulty, and hardship I have to struggle through.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What does Your Worldview Consist of...and how did you get it?

Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin answers a question.

If a wise man has an argument with a fool,  the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.   Proverbs 29:9 (ESV)

On my other blog, "Smile and Just Move On," I tried my very best to provide a true picture as I observed the vice presidential debate putting my bias aside.  However, on this one, I will not...I will allow my Christianity to shine through.  So if you don't want to hear it, that's okay, just click off this post now; I'm alright with it.  And my reasoning for writing this is not to even sway you from how you should vote, but to voice how I have been taught my whole life, as both a Catholic, and now born again Christian, to conduct my life and decisions based on my faith.

Our faith should permeate every single fiber of our lives, and is the basis to which we make our decisions both big and small.  Whether you recognize it or not, it affects how you think, act, react, and so forth.  It is called your worldview.  Now, if you are reading this and you have no religious affiliation, or simply don't believe in God, Buddha, or any others, well then, I suppose you are just acting on what you have learned over your lifetime and that in itself is your basis.  Your bias is not to have a bias at all, which I suppose is actually a bias to have no bias, if that makes sense. In other words, "Everyone has a worldview. Whether or not we realize it, we all have certain presuppositions and biases that affect the way we view all of life and reality. A worldview is like a set of lenses which taint our vision or alter the way we perceive the world around us. Our worldview is formed by our education, our upbringing, the culture we live in, the books we read, the media and movies we absorb, etc. For many people their worldview is simply something they have absorbed by osmosis from their surrounding cultural influences."(1)

 My Christian worldview is what makes me prolife, resist profanity, abstain from extramarital affairs, choose what I have learned as morally sound when making all my decisions, and you get the point.  The question was proposed at the debate over the issue of abortion, and what I don't quite understand is how Biden could say he was a Catholic and then make a stance for prochoice/abortion.  It completely goes against what he has been taught as a Catholic and his worldview.  This is not something that we turn on and turn off depending on whether we are at work or home.  It IS who we are...our minds make-up so to speak.  And well, my understanding of how you can go to church on Sunday believing what your church says about issues, then on Monday go to work and completely do the opposite...Well, that is just not how I roll.  And quite honestly, isn't how I feel our President who claims he is Christian, and our VP who claims to be Catholic should roll either.  If you aren't sure how your worldview rates, there is a quiz to find out at Christian worldview test.  I know my faith and belief in Jesus Christ alters every step in take in my life, whether its correct and I feel peace, or I go against God's will, then deal with my guilt.  Either way, it is who I am and saying I believe one thing but at work say another is well...just wrong in my opinion.  But then again, who am I to judge; and I am far from perfect, but at least I know where I stand in all aspects of my life!     (1)excerpt from