
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are you living your heart's desire?

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:
 He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; Psalms 37:3-7

Why do we settle?  I mean, why do we brush aside what we know we are born to do...what truly makes us happy?  Is it often money, social status, survival, or insecurity of our gift that holds us back?  Is there something that makes your heart sing when you are doing it, yet it isn't your career or even something you do on a regular basis?  Do we not trust God, I mean truly trust?  Do we lack patience, or the ability to just be still?  Could it be a lack of fully committing to the Lord as we should?  These are all questions we must ask ourselves if we are indeed not partaking in our talents and desires of the heart! Let us break this down a little, bit by bit, to pull everything out into view and have clarity on these passages.  

Trust!  Now that is a tough place to start, as it tells the truth on us and where we are in our walk with the Lord.  Trusting God has it handled (our problems, provisions, and everything in between) even when we often think He needs our help.  Trusting can often be most difficult if you are someone like me...a doer!!! You know those people, always trying to do something either for themselves or someone else to help fix the situation.  Now granted, trusting God doesn't mean we should just sit around and wait for the Lord to deliver our food, rent check, and all else to our door wrapped in pretty packaging.  

But maybe, we trust God will sustain us if we choose to take a job that makes less money, but is more family friendly, and following more closely to the meaningful job we desire.  Does it mean we will be driving a Porsche to teach preschool at the local church?  Probably not, but if this is the area that fulfills you on a daily basis, couldn't it be said that the sports car isn't more important than your After all, scripture is very clear in Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."  Of course, I realize if you are struggling financially, we often have to work in jobs we are not overly fond of to make ends meet.  But I am speaking about your life career which should be your heart’s desire.

And lastly, is it your insecurity in your gifts that hold you back from your own success?  Do you feel as if maybe you aren’t good at what you love to do?  Let’s be frank here, people usually do NOT like to do things they aren’t good at…like me and bowling!  I am terrible at bowling; therefore you will not see me signing up to play in a league in this lifetime.  This doesn’t mean bowling isn’t a great sport for some people, but based on my talent and ability (usually gutter balls); it would not be something I would choose.  This pretty much I would say is the rule of thumb for most people.  We naturally gravitate toward what we know and what we are happy doing; which is most likely something that turns our crank!!! I love to write, but so far it isn’t paying the bills…but it makes me happy, fulfilled, and content in my life; even if my life isn’t picture perfect.  You get my drift, right? So…what are we going to do with this???

We have a couple of choices, I suppose.  We can sacrifice the worldly things (within reason) to gain happiness through our hearts desires.  We can try to do a little of both, which is where I find myself these days.  I write on the side, perusing my dream to be an author and writer; and work as a Nanny and complete administrative work and sales calls for my husband’s company.  Will you see me sporting a Mercedes 500sl anytime soon?  Nope, but you will see me with a smile on my face, as I finally understand the scripture about God giving me the desires of my heart.  I love to write, write, and write some more; for adults and kids, or anyone who will read it for that matter.  I trust He knows my future and how this will all play out in my life.  I will exhibit patience as His perfect plan unfolds, and commit myself to Him once again as content.  I will “do” what I should, and let Him take care of the rest; rather than trying to make something happen out of nothing.  And I can’t wait to see my Heavenly Father to make my “rewards shine like the dawn!”  I choose to trust, wait patiently, and commit…won’t you? 

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