
Monday, November 12, 2012

A God of Second Chances

Matthew 6:15
New International Version (NIV)
But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

Have you ever noticed we are always the first to expect someone to give us a second chance, but are often quite slow to offer a second chance to others?  Why are we so sure we should be given that next chance, but don't want to extent the same when someone has hurt us?  Now, let's go deeper still, what if that person is a repeat offender or even worse...your enemy. OUCH!!! I learned a little something at church on Sunday during service, something that I had never explained to me quite like this in regards to one of the most well known stories in the whole bible.  Something I think is well worth repeating, makes a whole lot of sense, and may help out the next time we are dealing with a tough situation.

Everyone knows Jonah was the prophet who was defiant to Gods orders, ran the other way, got swallowed by a whale, lived in there, got spit out, and eventually went to do what he was originally called to do...and then was very mad at the idea that God would give Nineveh a second chance and not destroy it.  Hence the reason Jonah didn't want to go in the first place, he didn't want the Ninevites to get a second chance because they were cruel, sinful, awful people.  They would go to battle with another nation, and cut of all prisoner's heads and make a pyramid out of them.  They didn't just battle to gain land and leave it at that...they were brutal in how they killed with no conscience.  So Jonah did NOT want to go there.  He didn't want to tell them about God and His saving grace and mercy.  He wanted God to pour out His wrath on them, so justice could be done in the eyes of Jonah.  But, God had other plans.  So kicking and screaming, and even saying he would rather die than to be part of the Ninevites being saved, Jonah continued to resist.  And as you know, he stayed in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights, in which time Jonah prayed...God had the fish vomit him back up and onto land.  Bonus you might say...but not in Jonah's eyes.  After all this, he STILL did not want to do it God's way, but out of obedience Jonah preached to the people of Nineveh who in turn did repent, fast, and God relented, not destroying the city and it's people after all.  And you would think this is a very nice way to just wrap it up, tie a bow on it, and all was good!  NOT SO MUCH!

Jonah 4:1-4 says, "But to Jonah this seemed very wrong, and he became angry. He prayed to the Lord, “Isn’t this what I said, Lord, when I was still at home? That is what I tried to forestall by fleeing to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. Now, Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.” But the Lord replied, “Is it right for you to be angry?”  You see, Jonah prayed while in the belly of the whale over his disobedience to God and putting others on the ship in harms way...and God heard his prayer and showed mercy and forgiveness; but Jonah didn't want God to do the same for the Ninevites.  Seems selfish, but this is where I learned a little history on the story, and then had it put into an example from today that gave me a whole different prospective (Thanks Pastor John Ulrich)!

Jonah didn't want to go help save the Ninevites because they were the enemy of Israel and a horrible people.  It would be like being called to go to Iraq back in the 90's and preach to them; knowing they were a Muslim nation, had little respect for human life, and there was a man there called Osama Bin Laden who was out to terrorize your nation, your people, your family and loved ones.  But God was asking you specifically, and no matter how hard you tried to ignore Him, it was impossible.  Puts a little different prospective on it now that it is in reference to something that we can relate, and get our blood boiling over.  How would you like to have to go over, be a part of the reason God shows mercy and relents His wrath on a people who would end up running planes full of innocent people into buildings filled with innocent people causing mass casualties?  Now you see my point...this is how Jonah felt. He knew he was helping to save a people that would turn around and inflict harm to his own.  But why was this God's plan you may be thinking?  

God's plan and purpose is so far beyond our possible thought process, we truly couldn't begin to understand.  He sees from beginning to the end of time, and everything in between.  He knows all details, and what will be the best in the end for all mankind.  He ties everything together in complete perfect, with every human soul and all else on earth in mind.  He gives second chances, and third chances, and if I really sat and thought about it I would not want to try figuring out what number of chances I have already used up.  For this reason, we are called to give others chances too.  Not of course if our lives are at risk, such as abusive, being taken advantage of, or otherwise.  But to the best of our capabilities, even when it is our enemy, or someone who has required what seems like an infinite number of chances.  After all, I'm sure we are all running quite a tally with the Lord on the number of chances we have required.  Our God is a God of second chances, and likewise we are called to extend the same to others, even those which we find most difficult.  Those are the ones that truly define us as Christians, as the body of Christ, as the light in a dark cruel world.  

Oh, and I'm sorry this is so long but there was a ton of explaining to do, that wasn't posted on the weekend, but I had some computer issues :) God's timing right?

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