
Sunday, December 30, 2012

His ways verses our ways...

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

Why is it we even think for a split second that our ways are possibly greater than the One who created everything we can see, and everything we can't see?  Seems pretty silly when you stop to put it in those terms...and I would maybe go so far as to say absurd and completely ridiculous!  Yet, we spend countless hours of EVERY day trying to manipulate life to get where or what we want.  Not to say we should just sit around waiting for God to drop money or food into our laps, but there are a couple of reasons why we should consult the Lord over all before we try doing "life" on our own.  And just for the record, I will not be pretending to have the answers...but merely promote some food for thought on this subject :)

First of all, lets face it...not many of us are in control anyway, though we try to pretend we are.  Mostly, we just waste energy, brain power, and precious time often on things we need or want today; only to find we don't need it or what it tomorrow.  And of course we do have control over many things in life, but they often have minute impact in the whole scope of our lives.  We control when we get up, go to the bathroom, eat, sleep, and routine things like this.  We also control if we go to school or work, obey the laws in society, and the such.  But much of life is beyond our control.  Our eye color, sex, who our parents are, where we are born and live, social status born into, our IQ, and etc. are all chosen for us by God.  And according to His word, He knows what He is doing!!! So why when the most individualized and important attributes of our lives are chosen for us do we worry with those having less importance?

Secondly, we (and I include myself in here) need to often stop trying to shove a square peg into a round hole.  And what I mean by this is, we often try to be someone God didn't create us to be, and live a life God didn't plan for us to live, and do things God never intended us to do!  He knows what He is doing, what is best for us, and He has reasons we often don't understand!  Probably because we only see our little slice of life and at that time we think something is so important...rather than how God views our lives from Conception to the end of time, and everything in between!  He also sees how what we do affects not only ourselves, but others around us, our kids, our kid's kids, and so on down the line.   

So, what should we do about it you might be thinking?  Keep in mind this is purely my opinion, and experience as I have let go of trying to control everything and everyone, as well as stopped driving myself around the bend with not getting the results I wanted after so much stress and hard work.  If life is handing you a round peg, place it into a round hole!  If God asks you to move, then move.  If He calls you to the mission field, then GO!! If He stops your "big plans" - then He has a reason.  Life is very unpredictable and uncertain, at best.  I have in the last several weeks seen this first hand, and how little control we truly have in not only the big decisions of life but the small ones as well.  Life will be less stressful and more smooth if we all just give over the control of our lives to the Lord, and let Him handle it, as He is way more equipped to orchestrate our life for the best than we ever will be.  Just roll with it, because His thoughts are far superior, and His ways are eons beyond anything we will ever dream up!!!  

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