
Sunday, December 2, 2012

How did Christ go Missing from Christmas?

Please, take 3 minutes to listen to this amazing song I just came across about a week ago.

Matthew 1:23

New International Version (NIV)
23 “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”[a](which means “God with us”).

Stockings hung, tree up and decorated, wreath on the door, lights out on the bushes, holiday dishes out, nutcrackers and snowmen all around, and one Willow Tree manger set that my dear friend gave me one year for Christmas.  As I looked around my house today, I suddenly realized there was little to do with Jesus out but a whole lot of Santa stuff around.  How could it be that the original reason for celebrating Christmas Day in the first place is often completely let out of the day?  Of course, someone a few years back coined the term, Jesus is the Reason for the Season...which is true.  However, now even that has lost it's luster a bit.  And don't get me wrong, there are lots of people upset over the Governor of Rhode Island, Lincoln Chafee deciding to call the Christmas tree a holiday tree!!! Let me just say my two cents worth, that is completely insane.  Since when do we put up a tree at Easter, Forth of July, or any other holiday for that matter? NEVER!!! It's just dumb, plain and simple. Ok, I feel better and I will gracefully step off my soap box, for now that is :)

Now, most people, may or may not know that Jesus was actually NOT born on Christmas day.  Truth is, He was probably born sometime in August, as best as theologians can tell.  But, none the less, this is the day we have decided to celebrate the birth of Immanuel, God with us.  The day our Savior shed His robe in heaven and exchanged it for flesh and blood, to save His people some 33 years later.  Let's just stop and think about that one for a minute.  Imagine the ultimate, and I do mean ultimate, place you have ever been to, or the best and most amazing time you have ever had...and times that place or time by a million zillion trillion; this would be what heaven is almost as good as.  And He chose to leave that for us, sinners.  He chose to come and feel pain, hurt, disappointment, temptation, hunger, desertion, and eventually death on a cross while bearing the sins of the world from start to finish.  He endured all this for sinners; as in you and I who totally didn't deserve it.  Sorry, but I really needed to go there...putting a little prospective on the upcoming advent season as we anticipate the birth of Jesus Christ! exactly do we go against the grain and do a little more reflection on Christ, and a little less on the now very commercialized holiday of Christmas?  I am not 100% sure, to tell you the truth.  I just know we sure need to figure it out.  Otherwise, we might as well call it a holiday tree, if Christ has gone missing from Christmas!  I am thinking if we are ready to fight to keep calling it a Christmas tree, we need to fight to find more Christ...and be Christ to the world.  How about we all try to think of one tangible thing that would put more Jesus in this season, and then leave it in the comments of this entry for the rest of us to try and do. It is certainly time we come together as the body of Christ to help one another be Christ to this fallen world at Christmas time...and all year through for that matter.  Can I get an AMEN, and a little help on this? 

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