
Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Face of Christ

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;  male and female he created them.

Today, I am going to ask that you please, please, please, watch the video and listen to the words (and they are shown on the video).  I was cleaning my house today, and listening to this song...when it really struck me first of all, how lucky I realized I am, and how important it is to think before I judge.  No one gets up and says, "today I think I would like to become homeless, go to jail, or grow up in the ghetto." Just as no one hopes their child is born with special needs, a cleft palate, or Down's Syndrome.  Yet people continue to look at these differences, forgetting that God made them just as He did you and I, in His image!  Take a minute and think about that, in His image, the Creator, the Alpha and Omega, the All and All.  We, and I am totally including myself in this, have NO business judging anyone! Scripture is very clear, Mathew 7:1 says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."  Why do we think we find ourselves in a position to look down upon someone else.  God made them in His image just as He did us.  Pretty humbling when you stop and think about it...and probably I would go out on a limb and figure I am not the only one who has ever looked down my nose at someone who was different looking, minded, or social class than myself.  We unfortunately live in a critical and judgmental world :(  We are judged on our looks, our intelligence, our income, our skin color, our nationality, and the list goes on and on...very sad really.  And why?  Is it really going to matter when we approach the throne of the Lord? I believe that is a big fat NO!!! God is God, not us! We are made in His image, not just the pretty perfect smart ones, ALL OF US!

So, where does this leave us? And how as believers in Jesus Christ should we be different, set apart from this most judgmental world?  First off, we are called to be different, to minister to those whom the world calls unworthy.  The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was friends of those with leprosy, tax collectors, prostitutes, and a whole host of people who were in that day considered the lowest of the low.  He was without sin, perfect in every way, and yet He didn't hesitate to befriend those whom no one wanted to be seen let alone friends with.  We are all so far from perfect, so selfish, so self-centered, and yet we think for one second we are in any place to judge anyone.  And especially if you are living in a country where fresh clean water flows, and grocery stores are filled with nutritious foods at our fingertips.  WOW, we better take a look in the mirror and then fall to our knees in thanksgiving! We are truly blessed, and we now need to be the hands and feet of Christ, and make a difference.  Pick something, anything, and make a difference in someones life...and I'd be willing to bet, if I were the betting kind, the feeling you get from just paying for the food of the person behind you in the drive-thru, or giving a compliment to someone who probably doesn't get them often, or showing compassion to someone who desperately needs will fill so full of Christ's love it might just be on the verge of overwhelming :)

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