
Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Face of Christ

Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;  male and female he created them.

Today, I am going to ask that you please, please, please, watch the video and listen to the words (and they are shown on the video).  I was cleaning my house today, and listening to this song...when it really struck me first of all, how lucky I realized I am, and how important it is to think before I judge.  No one gets up and says, "today I think I would like to become homeless, go to jail, or grow up in the ghetto." Just as no one hopes their child is born with special needs, a cleft palate, or Down's Syndrome.  Yet people continue to look at these differences, forgetting that God made them just as He did you and I, in His image!  Take a minute and think about that, in His image, the Creator, the Alpha and Omega, the All and All.  We, and I am totally including myself in this, have NO business judging anyone! Scripture is very clear, Mathew 7:1 says, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged."  Why do we think we find ourselves in a position to look down upon someone else.  God made them in His image just as He did us.  Pretty humbling when you stop and think about it...and probably I would go out on a limb and figure I am not the only one who has ever looked down my nose at someone who was different looking, minded, or social class than myself.  We unfortunately live in a critical and judgmental world :(  We are judged on our looks, our intelligence, our income, our skin color, our nationality, and the list goes on and on...very sad really.  And why?  Is it really going to matter when we approach the throne of the Lord? I believe that is a big fat NO!!! God is God, not us! We are made in His image, not just the pretty perfect smart ones, ALL OF US!

So, where does this leave us? And how as believers in Jesus Christ should we be different, set apart from this most judgmental world?  First off, we are called to be different, to minister to those whom the world calls unworthy.  The Son of God, Jesus Christ, was friends of those with leprosy, tax collectors, prostitutes, and a whole host of people who were in that day considered the lowest of the low.  He was without sin, perfect in every way, and yet He didn't hesitate to befriend those whom no one wanted to be seen let alone friends with.  We are all so far from perfect, so selfish, so self-centered, and yet we think for one second we are in any place to judge anyone.  And especially if you are living in a country where fresh clean water flows, and grocery stores are filled with nutritious foods at our fingertips.  WOW, we better take a look in the mirror and then fall to our knees in thanksgiving! We are truly blessed, and we now need to be the hands and feet of Christ, and make a difference.  Pick something, anything, and make a difference in someones life...and I'd be willing to bet, if I were the betting kind, the feeling you get from just paying for the food of the person behind you in the drive-thru, or giving a compliment to someone who probably doesn't get them often, or showing compassion to someone who desperately needs will fill so full of Christ's love it might just be on the verge of overwhelming :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

In My Weakness, He is Strong

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Living in the USA, we are fortunate enough to have freedom of worshiping whom or whatever we wish; I often find persecution is not absent here, just subtle. Whether it be a comment or email, maybe even a snide remark in passing, or an all out attack on beliefs; it is a form of persecution. Now don't get me wrong, I would much rather be here than in other parts of the world where people are tortured, thrown in prison cells, and/or killed all because of the belief in Jesus Christ! And I often find when I am walking closely with Christ, this is when the comments and subtle remarks show up, which isn't all that ironic! It just means Satan is upset over the love and closeness, the bold faith, and potential influence for God's Kingdom.  At first it took me off guard, but now I just realize that I kind of have a target on my back.  You kind of get used to it, I suppose; and now I consider it a compliment.  I am certain many of you know exactly what I am talking about.

As a Momma, we have influence over our children, how they are raised, what their worldview is made up of, and more times than not, how they view the church, Christians, and the love of their heavenly Father. Let me be perfectly clear, however, it does not guarantee that a child will believe like their parents, or that a non-believer will never find the Lord.  But I feel it is safe to say, the stats are higher for kids who grow up in church-going families, to go to church as an adult; and those that don't grow up in that environment of church will tend to not.  There are many exceptions, but the groundwork is often laid when children are young and where their parents place value, in where they will one day place value also.

I know and can fully admit, as growing up in the church and rarely missing a Sunday, I lost my way as a young adult.  It happens more often than I wish did, but I did find my way back.  I found myself in difficulties, in hardships, and I totally didn't delight in them!  As a matter of fact, I questioned my faith for the first time, and walked away from something I had known my whole life.  Does that mean I was weak?  YES, of course it does!  I am human, and was born with selfish sinful nature, and until I am called home and shed my earthly body, I will continue to make mistakes, stumble, and show my weakness.  But hold on, because this is where it gets good!!! In my weakness, my darkest hour, my lowest moments, with my back to the Creator of the Universe, He chooses NOT to turn from me! He chooses instead to stand upon His throne, and create strength for me, through me, in me...strength that truthfully I DO NOT deserve!  His grace is sufficient, and His mercy is perfect.  You see, through my weakness, I give Him the opportunity to show His BEST when I often am at my worst! And when you think about it; it is almost the opposite of what we do and how we treat others here on earth.  This is why, now, when trials and insults, or hardship and difficulties come, I know that first of and foremost, I AM NOT ALONE!!! And secondly, this is an opportunity to show God's Awesomeness here, and what a privilege I consider that to be. The idea that God would use me, humbles me to my very core.  

I do my best as a Momma to be a solid role model for my kids, both as a good citizen, and as a Christian.  But I will always fall short, that's just the facts of being human.  What I will choose to do is be humble, allow Christ's strength to abide in me, and let the subtle persecutions bounce right off that target on my back.  After all, I have to, my children's eternity may be riding on my influence, not to be mixed up with an ability to save, that is God's job ... but my part is worth every insult, difficulty, and hardship I have to struggle through.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What does Your Worldview Consist of...and how did you get it?

Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin answers a question.

If a wise man has an argument with a fool,  the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.   Proverbs 29:9 (ESV)

On my other blog, "Smile and Just Move On," I tried my very best to provide a true picture as I observed the vice presidential debate putting my bias aside.  However, on this one, I will not...I will allow my Christianity to shine through.  So if you don't want to hear it, that's okay, just click off this post now; I'm alright with it.  And my reasoning for writing this is not to even sway you from how you should vote, but to voice how I have been taught my whole life, as both a Catholic, and now born again Christian, to conduct my life and decisions based on my faith.

Our faith should permeate every single fiber of our lives, and is the basis to which we make our decisions both big and small.  Whether you recognize it or not, it affects how you think, act, react, and so forth.  It is called your worldview.  Now, if you are reading this and you have no religious affiliation, or simply don't believe in God, Buddha, or any others, well then, I suppose you are just acting on what you have learned over your lifetime and that in itself is your basis.  Your bias is not to have a bias at all, which I suppose is actually a bias to have no bias, if that makes sense. In other words, "Everyone has a worldview. Whether or not we realize it, we all have certain presuppositions and biases that affect the way we view all of life and reality. A worldview is like a set of lenses which taint our vision or alter the way we perceive the world around us. Our worldview is formed by our education, our upbringing, the culture we live in, the books we read, the media and movies we absorb, etc. For many people their worldview is simply something they have absorbed by osmosis from their surrounding cultural influences."(1)

 My Christian worldview is what makes me prolife, resist profanity, abstain from extramarital affairs, choose what I have learned as morally sound when making all my decisions, and you get the point.  The question was proposed at the debate over the issue of abortion, and what I don't quite understand is how Biden could say he was a Catholic and then make a stance for prochoice/abortion.  It completely goes against what he has been taught as a Catholic and his worldview.  This is not something that we turn on and turn off depending on whether we are at work or home.  It IS who we are...our minds make-up so to speak.  And well, my understanding of how you can go to church on Sunday believing what your church says about issues, then on Monday go to work and completely do the opposite...Well, that is just not how I roll.  And quite honestly, isn't how I feel our President who claims he is Christian, and our VP who claims to be Catholic should roll either.  If you aren't sure how your worldview rates, there is a quiz to find out at Christian worldview test.  I know my faith and belief in Jesus Christ alters every step in take in my life, whether its correct and I feel peace, or I go against God's will, then deal with my guilt.  Either way, it is who I am and saying I believe one thing but at work say another is well...just wrong in my opinion.  But then again, who am I to judge; and I am far from perfect, but at least I know where I stand in all aspects of my life!     (1)excerpt from