
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

Psalm 86:2-4
New International Version (NIV)
Hear me, Lord, and answer me,
    for I am poor and needy.
Guard my life, for I am faithful to you;
    save your servant who trusts in you.
You are my God; have mercy on me, Lord,
    for I call to you all day long.
Bring joy to your servant, Lord,
    for I put my trust in you.

Faith is something that comes from deep within your gut, and it can't be explained is either there or it’s not.  Trust is something which usually must be earned! And Pixie Dust, yep you guessed it- that comes from the Pixie Dust Tree in Pixie Hollow where Tinker Bell and her friends live.  Ok, yes I have watched Tinker Bell movies quite a few times, and the new one "Secret of the Magic Wings" is my favorite!  But as we all know, faith and trust are things we cannot see, touch, smell, hear, or taste.  And of course, Pixie Dust much to my wishing it was real, is in fact NOT!  But let us talk about the first two :)

Faith by definition is..
1.      Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
2.      Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

It is completely understandable that people have difficulties with faith because often they can't even have faith in is themselves for one reason or another; so having faith in anyone or thing else is beyond all comprehension.  They may not have faith in God, their family, their anything in life.  It's hard to completely trust God or a person for that matter.  We all struggle whether we believe in God or not for that matter.  Faith is like taking a leap off a cliff, and "knowing" you will be caught and not fall to your death.  Faith is finding out you have cancer, but "knowing" you will beat it.  Often times people have been let down so many times in their lives, having faith is just not something they even want to when you are let down, it hurts...and deep!! Some just are slow to recover, and some never ever recover :(  It is quite sad really.  Everyone NEEDS someone or something they KNOW they can always count on...forever and always, no matter what! 

Trust by definition is..
Firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something

Trust is like faith but a wee bit different. Having to believe someone or something has enough ability, strength and reliability to do what they say they will do.  Often, people just don't have it in them to trust themselves, others or God.  These, once again, could have been burned one too many times in life by others, and even because of their own weakness and lack of reliability or strength when it comes to those strongholds such as cheating, abuse or hatred to name a few.  Life is hard, and this world is chalked full of temptations and let downs around every turn.  And the truth is, it is hard to know when you are being told the truth and when it is a lie dressed in the clothing of truth.  Only we know whether we are telling the truth, and "truth be told" even then some are so immersed in their own lies, they actually believe their own lies to be truth.  Being able to determine what is truth and what is not can be difficult.  Some people are good liars, and others are terrible at lying.  Some people are gullible, while others are so bitter that even truth seems like a lie.  

So, the bottom line is these are two very difficult things to be able to do, whether we are talking about having faith and trust in God, or for another person or persons here on earth…even those we love or love us.  Tinker bell makes it sound so easy , “faith, trust, and Pixie Dust” but it isn’t, plain and simple!  But take heart, we all struggle with this; you my friend are not alone.  But I must say, if there is ANYONE who deserves our faith and is God alone because humans, even those that love you more than anything, will eventually let you down.  God on the other hand, will never let you know, as He sees the whole picture and is worthy! 

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